10 Ways Gardening can Help your Community

Gardening can bring people together and transform a neighbourhood. Here at J. Parker’s, we are big believers in the benefits of a simple bit of gardening, and we’ve gathered some of the best ideas to give you some inspiration.

Healthy Living

A community garden patch or allotment can provide fresh, healthy produce for the whole community. From organic vegetables and tasty herbs to juicy fresh fruit, your community garden could be an excellent source of vitality for you and your neighbours.

Growing your own food is incredibly rewarding, and can also boost awareness of healthy diets that can improve your fitness and general well-being.

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Provide Activities for Kids

Including children and providing workshops can really do wonders for the kids in your community.

Whether its simply including them in a grander project or setting up something just for them, kids love to get in and get gardening. Why not have them plant a bank of spring Daffodils or decorate a local school.

It might just inspire the next generation of green fingered folk!

Sustainable Living

Gardening in your community can spread the importance of local conservation and environmental awareness. The very attitude of getting out there and making a difference is vitally important and can puts out an extremely positive message.

We have to look after our world, and that starts from the bottom up. Promote recycling, educate people on how to reduce their footprint and get people involved in efforts to spread the word. Getting together to support each other and discuss your work is a wonderful, practical way to really encourage sustainable living changes in your whole community.

Reach out to all areas of your Community

We all love gardening. Its natural, relaxing and good for you. But there are people in your neighbourhood who might find it more difficult to join in. Whether its physical or mental health restrictions, whether young or elderly, you can reach out to these corners of your community and involve them.

This kind of inclusion gives vulnerable or overlooked parts of your community opportunities to contribute in really positive activities.

Learn New Skills

Nothing beats a good, hard day’s work on something that’s important to you. Everyone deserves a chance to experience that, and working on a garden can help develop important skills. You can learn all about plants, the type of soil they prefer, how deep to plant them, and how to care for a garden.

If you’re an advanced gardener, maybe you’d like to give back to your community by giving them practical experience in planting and maintaining a garden.

Transform Land

Of course, the greatest boon of a good garden project is the end result. You can turn a derelict, forgotten area of your local community into a beautiful space you can all be proud of.

From rooftop gardens to forgotten allotments, look for land that is in desperate need of some TLC and find out what you can do to help.

Help Wildlife

Modern life is tough on birds, bees and other wildlife that frequents our garden. Some species are struggling more than others, and this is particularly true in cities and built up areas. You can create an area of land that not only attracts them, but helps them thrive. Be sure to design an area that will really appeal to everything, with plenty of flowers to pollinate or places to hide and nest.


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